Privacy - tPMHighlighter - a tool to help you gain insights into text

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Software Privacy Statement
The Prime Machine Website Privacy Statement
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tPMHighlighter Software Privacy Statement
This page provides the privacy statement for users of tPMHighlighter software (a computer application which runs separately from this website).
Last updated 29 August 2024.
This privacy statement relates to tPMHighlighter as a computer application (not the website where this statement is posted).

1. Information Collection and Use
tPMHighlighter does not collect or store any personal data. After you import texts and build a corpus, lists of words, word combinations and batches of sentences from your texts will be transmitted to The Prime Machine Server where they will be analysed.  The results are transmitted and then the data you have sent are discarded. You may choose to save a copy of the results on your computer, but these are not stored by The Prime Machine Server.  
2. Log Data
When you start tPMHighlighter it will automatically connect to The Prime Machine Server if it is available. When you submit texts to be processed, information about the software version will be sent and different functions will be run on the server depending whether you are connecting inside the tPM Home Network or whether you are outside this network. The server logs information about the software version used, whether it is being accessed from inside or outside the tPM Home Network, the function name and the name of the corpus (or corpora). The date and time are included in the log. The log data is anonymous and no user information is included in these logs.

Currently, the tPM Home Network is Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, P.R. China. Users accessing The Prime Machine Server on-site (XJTLU computer labs, via XJTLU Wi-Fi) or when connected to XJTLU's VPN will be able to connect via the tPM Home Network. All other access is treated as not being on the tPM Home Network.

This log data is used to provide summary information for ongoing software and service development. The Prime Machine and related projects like tPMHighlighter are part of the academic research output of Dr. Stephen Jeaco, and summary information from the logs may be used in academic outputs such as academic conference papers, academic articles, book chapters, etc.
3. Security
tPMHighlighter is a corpus tool designed to highlight examples of how the use of words and phrases in one or more texts compares or contrasts with the patterns of use in larger corpora. The security of your search requests and search results is important to us, but you should remember that no method of electronic transmission is 100% secure. As with other internet traffic there is always the possibility that others may try to see the words and sentences you transmit for analysis or try to intercept the corpus data which is being retrieved. We cannot guarantee absolute security.

When using the “Process Texts” function to prepare your corpus, you should be aware that the word lists, lists of word combinations and batches of sentences from your texts will need to be transmitted to the Server. You should consider the security of this transmission process, especially if the texts you are sending contain any personal information.
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